How are you?! Happy Fall! So much has been going on here and everything at DK headquarters is alive and bustling.
I personally have been on a cleanse (let’s just say I’ve over enjoyed my quarantine meals and snacks 😂) but it was time for a reset and I am feeling clean and full of energy! (love @owlvenice cleanses BTW)
As you know we launched our brand new website 2 weeks ago!
The feedback has been amazing and I am so grateful for this supportive and powerful community.
It was a labor of love. It felt like cleaning out the design closet, getting rid of anything that didn’t align and only putting back what we LOVE. (have you seen it? Go check it out...
I’ll be honest, it wasn’t easy. THANK GOODNESS for my amazing team.
Your website is really the space where all your brand elements come together.
It requires you to dig, distill, and pull out your most essential messages and imagery.
AND - this is important - it is a place where you can enchant the clients you love to work with, so they say yes to your offers!
Have you done an overhaul to your website lately?
I highly recommend updating your website every 2 years. I mean are you the same person you were 2 years ago? I hope not.
If you’re feeling uncertain about updating your brand and website, I encourage you to check in with yourself and ask if your website is in alignment with who you are and if your ideal client would have the instant hit of “OH YES! That’s what I need to solve my current challenge.”
Does it?