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Writer's pictureJessica Krewson Creative

Want to KISS? 😉💋

Well, I did it! I biked 17 miles in just over an hour and 15 minutes. 😱

It was amazing — such a great experience.

I really enjoyed the challenge and I can't wait to do my next triathlon.🤩

There's something to be said about having a challenge and overcoming it and seeing what you're truly made of — and owning a business is no different.

You'll always have challenges.

It's just a matter of how you go about conquering them.

The one thing I really noticed at the triathlon that is really sticking with me was how encouraging everyone was, and how helpful people were.

There was one moment when I was going up a really hard hill and someone said to me, you got this, just a little bit further!” and that really motivated me to keep going.

Something as small as that can really motivate you to keep going and keep your eye on what you're after.

And so today I want to offer you the same encouragement — you're doing great, you're almost there, keep going, you're totally going to make it and you're totally gonna win, so why not make this the best week ever.

With Lots of Love,


Now, onto the K.I.S.S...

💋As much as we looooove our clients - it’s not that kind of kiss..

💡We’re talkin’ the brand strategy acryonm - K.I.S.S. (Our Version).

😉 K.I.S.S stands for keep it simple, sista!

🤺 By over-complicating your brand, your marketing, your social media efforts, and your offerings, you are doing more harm than good.

😎 Simplicity actually amplifies clarity in your audience and will encourage them to take clearer, more direct action.

Here are some ways you can simplify K.I.S.S. your problems goodbye!

💋 K - Keep it real (easy) - Make sure your site, your offerings, your strategy, and your calls-to-action are very, very clear and easy to follow. Your audience is smart, but the more work you do for them, and the clearer you are, the more likely they are to convert into customers and the more credible you will seem. This could be the difference between them choosing your magical business other options. They’ve come this far - don’t lose them at the final stretch.

💋 I - Invest in a brand and website audit - You are too close to your own work to be able to objectively see which parts your audience is getting stuck on. Outsourcing this to a team of experts can provide you unbiased, constructive feedback to help you elevate and amplify your business, all while streamlining and getting you back on track for the next step.

💋 S - Stay in your zone of genius - Free up your time AND mental energy, so you can spend more time doing what you do best! You’re the expert at your business. You don’t need to spend your work days bogged down trying to figure out that techy set-up.

💋 S - Shield your eyes - Comparison... That is the thief of not only joy, but also CREATIVITY.

Do your best to shield your eyes and resist the temptation to see how your competitors are packaging their services, etc. Trust your own intuition and judgment about what is needed for your business. And ask an expert for help if this is not your favorite thing to do!!

Astro-Forecast for the week of September 20, 2022:

🌕☀️The Sun Sextile The Moon

Things should feel (slightly) easier today. If you find yourself particularly feeling “in the flow” - go with that! Use this transit to make the most of your creative burst and putting-those-dreams-into-action energy.

☀️🧠 The Sun Conjunct Mercury (Rx)

You may find yourself exploring new ideas or getting lost in conversation more than usual this week - if you have co-workers, this would be a great week for a (virtual or IRL) happy hour! Or, even better yet, this could be a fun time to go LIVE on social - just keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde, so you could run into tech issues. Just steer clear of controversial topics and be careful not to put your foot in your mouth!

🌀☀️The Sun Opposed Neptune

If you are questioning someone’s intentions this week - try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but still honor and trust your intuition. Try asking for clarity before snapping back (or replying all).

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